Home / Mixed / SAMPLE OF BALANCE BANK OF TAJIKISTAN December 31, 2010 and December 31, 2020

SAMPLE OF BALANCE BANK OF TAJIKISTAN December 31, 2010 and December 31, 2020


December 31, 2010 and December 31, 2020

Account Name On Oktober 30, 2020 On November 30, 2020 Difference                               (+, -) Growth  rate                     (%)
Liquid assets – total 46 840 626 52 960 326 6 119 700 -11,49%
– cash and gold 21 112 490 14 918 797 -6 193 693 -41,5%
– correspondent account at NBT 12 347 143 22 487 106 10 139 963 45,1%
– current accounts in the NBT 0 0 0 0,0%
– required reserves of the NBT 5 914 311 3 919 637 -1 994 674 -50,9%
– receivable from other banks 7 466 682 11 634 786 4 168 104 35,8%
– receivable from non-bank financial institutions 0 0 0 0,0%
Loan Portfolio – nett 126 776 394 128 838 024 2 061 630 1,6%
Loan Portfolio – Gross 134 512 106 137 141 751 2 629 645 1,9%
including: 0,0%
LOANS TO BANKS 0 0 0 0,0%
LOANS FOR FINANCIAL nonbanks 740 277 740 277 0 0,0%
TERM LOANS – TOTAL 123 012 447 124 959 667 1 947 220 1,6%
a) subordinated loans 0 0 0 0,0%
b) loans on the basis of repurchase receivable 0 0 0 0,0%
c) overdraft 0 0 0 0,0%
d) mortgage loans 0 0 0 0,0%
i) leasing (finance leases) 0 0 0 0,0%
f) letters of credit 0 0 0 0,0%
g) loan to commercial enterprises 105 968 135 107 944 441 1 976 306 1,8%
h) consumer loans 17 044 312 17 015 226 -29 086 -0,2%
u) state loan 0 0 0 0,0%
k) other loans 0 0 0 0,0%
LOANS OF HIGH RISK – TOTAL 10 759 382 11 441 807 682 425 6,0%
Extended loans 852 351 861 305 8 954 1,0%
a) loans to commercial enterprises 422 787 425 466 2 679 0,6%
b) consumer loans 429 564 435 839 6 275 1,4%
c) loans to the state 0 0 0 0,0%
d) other loans 0 0 0 0,0%
 Overdue loans 9 598 145 10 269 001 670 856 6,5%
a) loans to commercial enterprises 7 465 814 7 967 581 501 767 6,3%
b) consumer loans 2 132 331 2 301 420 169 089 7,3%
c) loans to the state 0 0 0 0,0%
d) other loans 0 0 0 0,0%
loans in proceedings 308 886 311 501 2 615 0,8%
a) loans to commercial enterprises 215 947 217 374 1 427 0,7%
b) consumer loans 92 939 94 127 1 188 1,3%
c) loans to the state 0 0 0 0,0%
d) other loans 0 0 0 0,0%
Provisions for possible losses on loans – total -7 735 712 -8 303 727 -568 015 6,8%
a) loans to commercial enterprises -4 683 312 -5 436 416 -753 104 13,9%
b) consumer loans -3 052 400 -2 867 311 185 089 -6,5%
c) loans to the state 0 0 0 0,0%
d) other loans 0 0 0 0,0%
Acceptances  from banks – total 0 0 0 0,0%
Investments – Total 784 600 784 600 0 0,0%
including: 0,0%
– other securities for trading 0 0 0 0,0%
– other securities available for sale 0 0 0 0,0%
– other securities with a repayment date of 784 600 784 600 0 0,0%
Precious metals and gems 0 0 0 0,0%
Fixed assets  – nett 16 753 393 19 234 890 2 481 497 12,9%
Fixed assets of the bank – Gross 18 866 844 21 446 616 2 579 772 12,0%
including: 0,0%
– special (material) 13 503 349 13 800 607 297 258 2,2%
– special (non-material) 117 001 117 001 0 0,0%
– received in leasing 396 662 400 373 3 711 0,9%
– leased out 0 0 0 0,0%
– building under construction 4 849 832 7 128 635 2 278 803 32,0%
   Accumulated depreciation on fixed assets – total -2 113 451 -2 211 726 -98 275 4,4%
Resale of received collateral – nett 609 679 609 679 0 0,0%
Resale of received collateral – Gross 741 414 741 414 0 0,0%
Depreciation of resale received collateral 0 0 0 0,0%
Provision for resale received collateral -131 735 -131 735 0 0,0%
Due from banks on remmitances 655 449 402 232 -253 217 -63,0%
Accrued interest receivable – nett 3 956 270 4 508 944 552 674 12,3%
Accrued interest receivable – gross 3 956 270 4 508 944 552 674 12,3%
Provision for accrued interest receivable 0 0 0 0,0%
Obligations for  purchase the types of currency  (open position) 104 852 206 129 018 465 24 166 259 18,7%
Other assets – nett 14 330 210 12 916 054 -1 414 156 -10,9%
Other assets – gross 14 380 994 12 966 838 -1 414 156 -10,9%
– unused stationery and other accessories 744 591 416 080 -328 511 -79,0%
– cash funds within the bank settlements 13 067 17 972 4 905 27,3%
– prepaid expenses 502 848 483 114 -19 734 -4,1%
– advance payment 13 103 996 12 030 688 -1 073 308 -8,9%
– shortage of cash 0 0 0 0,0%
– accounts receivable 16 492 18 984 2 492 13,1%
– an advance payment of income tax 0 0 0 0,0%
– other assets 0 0 0 0,0%
Reserve to cover potential losses on other assets -50 784 -50 784 0 0,0%
TOTAL – ASSETS 315 558 827 349 273 214 33 714 387 9,7%
Deposits – total 67 995 473 57 539 736 -10 455 737 -18,2%
including: 0,0%
– demand 49 096 460 36 203 827 -12 892 633 -35,6%
– low cost deposits 0 0 0 0,0%
– savings 2 043 092 4 215 812 2 172 720 51,5%
– term 16 855 921 17 120 097 264 176 1,5%
Subordinated loans 0 0 0 0,0%
Remittances  payable – total 624 0 -624 #ДЕЛ/0!
Due to the Government 0 0 0 0,0%
Due to National Bank of Tajikistan 0 0 0 0,0%
Other payment 26 105 27 700 1 595 5,8%
Accrued interest payable 175 411 337 774 162 363 48,1%
Sale oblgations of the  currencies types  (open position) 2 570 000 0 -2 570 000 0,0%
Other liabilities – total 171 031 866 214 864 685 43 832 819 20,4%
– cash fund  within the bank settlement 0 0 0 0,0%
– accounts of inactive clients 250 250 0 0,0%
– prepaid income 0 0 0 0,0%
– excess cash 0 0 0 0,0%
– accounts payable 52 568 58 248 5 680 9,8%
– income tax payable 3 293 558 3 919 980 626 422 16,0%
– other tax liabilities 174 899 88 384 -86 515 -97,9%
– other obligations 167 510 591 210 797 823 43 287 232 20,5%
TOTAL – LIABILITIES 241 799 479 272 769 895 30 970 416 11,4%
Shareholders’ equity – total 53 621 900 53 621 900 0 0,0%
Surplus of capital 0 0 0 0,0%
Subordinated loans 0 0 0 0,0%
Created reserves – total 5 642 097 5 642 097 0 0,0%
– from the profit 5 502 097 5 502 097 0 0,0%
– from the expenses 140 000 140 000 0 0,0%
– from the revaluation of fixed assets 0 0 0 0,0%
– from of other accounts 0 0 0 0,0%
Profit for the last year 0 0 0 0,0%
Profit for the year 14 495 352 17 239 322 2 743 970 15,9%
Net result from interest earnings 6 534 908 7 100 623 565 715 8,0%
Net result excluding reserves 11 821 535 12 955 265 1 133 730 8,8%
– Interest income 24 670 125 27 647 557 2 977 432 10,8%
a) from the operations of NBT 0 0 0 0,0%
b) from the operations with other banks 63 315 63 315 0 0,0%
c) from the transactions with financial non-banking institutions 0 0 0 0,0%
d) from the term placements 27 097 27 097 0 0,0%
e) from the commercial loans 17 215 852 19 486 344 2 270 492 11,7%
f) from the  subordinated loans 0 0 0 0,0%
g) from the the overdraft 0 0 0 0,0%
h) from the mortgage loans 0 0 0 0,0%
i) from the leasing operations 0 0 0 0,0%
j) from the consumer loan 7 363 861 8 070 801 706 940 8,8%
k) from the to loans to government agencies 0 0 0 0,0%
l) from the other loans 0 0 0 0,0%
m) from the securities for trading 0 0 0 0,0%
n) from the securities for sale 0 0 0 0,0%
o) from the securities with a repayment date date 0 0 0 0,0%
p) from  REPO operations 0 0 0 0,0%
q) from the  other operations 0 0 0 0,0%
– Interest expense -12 848 590 -14 692 292 -1 843 702 12,5%
a) from the demand deposits 0 0 0 0,0%
b) from the savings deposits 0 0 0 0,0%
c) from the term deposits -1 829 601 -2 024 948 -195 347 9,6%
d) from securities issued by the Bank 0 0 0 0,0%
e) from the leasing operations 0 0 0 0,0%
f) from the  term placements 0 0 0 0,0%
g) from the correspondent accounts 0 0 0 0,0%
h) from the to interbank loans -53 -53 0 0,0%
i) from the subordinated loans 0 0 0 0,0%
j) from  REPO operations 0 0 0 0,0%
k) from the operations on financial nonbanks 0 0 0 0,0%
l) from the international financial loans 0 0 0 0,0%
m) from the loans to government agencies 0 0 0 0,0%
n) from the operations with NBT 0 0 0 0,0%
o) from the other operations -11 018 936 -12 667 291 -1 648 355 13,0%
The net result in the Allowance forowance account -5 286 627 -5 854 642 -568 015 9,7%
– created expences on Allowance forowances for loan  losses -9 833 798 -10 958 059 -1 124 261 10,3%
a) from the  interbank loans 0 0 0 0,0%
b) from  the overdraft 0 0 0 0,0%
c) from the mortgage loans 0 0 0 0,0%
d) from other types of loans -9 783 014 -10 907 275 -1 124 261 10,3%
e) from the leasing operations 0 0 0 0,0%
f) from the  other operations -50 784 -50 784 0 0,0%
– income from recovery of reserves 4 547 171 5 103 417 556 246 10,9%
a) from the interbank loans 0 0 0 #ДЕЛ/0!
b) from the the overdraft 0 0 0 0,0%
c) from the of mortgage loans 0 0 0 0,0%
d) from other types of loans 4 547 166 5 103 412 556 246 10,9%
e) rom the  leasing operations 0 0 0 0,0%
f) from the securities 0 0 0 0,0%
g) from other operations 5 5 0 0,0%
NET RESULT FROM THE COMMISSIONS 4 518 392 5 041 992 523 600 10,4%
– income from banking services 4 960 088 5 526 325 566 237 10,2%
a) cash services 3 987 503 4 496 831 509 328 11,3%
b) remittances 631 814 688 723 56 909 8,3%
c) other services 340 771 340 771 0 0,0%
– expenses from banking services -441 696 -484 333 -42 637 8,8%
a) credit services 0 0 0 0,0%
b) other services -441 696 -484 333 -42 637 8,8%
– gain on securities 0 0 0 0,0%
– loss on securities transactions 0 0 0 0,0%
Net result on foreign exchange operations 19 845 922 24 376 045 4 530 123 18,6%
– income from foreign currency transactions 77 551 683 94 418 612 16 866 929 17,9%
– loss on foreign currency transactions -57 705 761 -70 042 567 -12 336 806 17,6%
NET RESULT OF OTHER INCOME -155 031  -217 642  -62 611  28,8%
– other income 465 021 466 038 1 017 0,2%
– other expenses -620 052 -683 680 -63 628 9,3%
RESULT ON OPERATING EXPENSES -16 248 839 -19 061 696 -2 812 857 14,8%
– expenses for payment of wages -5 194 491 -6 063 710 -869 219 14,3%
– social security fund expenses -1 335 084 -1 553 343 -218 259 14,1%
– business travel expenses -226 202 -287 600 -61 398 21,3%
– communications expenses -183 681 -200 684 -17 003 8,5%
– utilities expenses -102 722 -112 890 -10 168 9,0%
– depreciation of fixed assets -791 079 -878 798 -87 719 10,0%
–  external auditors fee -33 456 -39 665 -6 209 15,7%
– direct taxes and insurance expenses -14 593 -14 593 0 0,0%
– rent expenses -724 492 -823 726 -99 234 12,0%
– security servises expenses -176 907 -186 072 -9 165 4,9%
– expenses on unused stationery and other accessories -140 338 -149 830 -9 492 6,3%
– fuel expenses -95 085 -107 796 -12 711 11,8%
– transportation expenses -2 339 -2 339 0 0,0%
– entertainment expenses -30 743 -33 329 -2 586 7,8%
– other taxes and licenses expenses -1 595 669 -1 944 528 -348 859 17,9%
– donations and charitable contributions expenses -29 186 -29 186 0 0,0%
– expenses for advertising -449 031 -516 132 -67 101 13,0%
– expenses for repair and technical inspection -70 896 -113 814 -42 918 37,7%
– fines and penalties paid 0 0 0 0,0%
– other operating expenses -221 061 -257 220 -36 159 14,1%
Expenses for the payment of income tax -4 831 784 -5 746 441 -914 657 15,9%
TOTAL – CAPITAL 73 759 349  76 503 319  2 743 970  3,6%
TOTAL – Liabilities and Equity 315 558 827  349 273 214  33 714 386  9,7%

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May 10, 2017 To Whom It May Concern, I had the pleasure of working with …